稍早何猷君在IG上传一张黑底白字的图,写着“It's takes a real man to realize that one woman is enough”(一个真正的男人只要了解一个女人就够了),并发文“I witnessed a marriage fail today because of disloyalty。。 it was pretty messed up。。。 Even I've been there tbh, cheated behind Yumi's back with a hooker girl twice for two months。 Not everyone deserves a second chance”(今天我见证一段婚姻因不忠诚而陷入失败,这完全搞砸,老实说,我这两个月背着Yumi和妓女一起,并非每个人都值得第二次的机会)。
事后何猷君在IG发文,表示自己的帐号被MIT天才朋友给盗了“Sorry people, account got HACKED by my MIT genius american friend who doesn't understand my account is being monitored by the media”(不好意思各位,我的帐号遭到MIT的朋友黑掉了!这位朋友并不晓得我的帐号正被媒体监视)。